PDXplorer™ 6.0 release notes

Published updates in the PDXplorer "6.0 series" software (all dates are UTC).

PDXplorer 5.2  •  PDXplorer 6.1

The current release is available on the PDXplorer download page.

This release replaces the PDXplorerQueries.sqlite database. If you have added custom queries, you should transfer them to the new User Version 2 database. See PDXplorer instructions.

PDXplorer 6.0 and later releases are confirmed as Not Vulnerable to Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228. 2021-11-12

New features and functions §

  • Support PDXpert 15.0 cryptographic extensions for PDX packages:

    • Display new Attachment AdditionalAttributes Digests included with signed packages. More information. [c01432f1,c69f49ea] §

    • Verify and authenticate PDX packages signed by PDXpert, using RSA public-key SHA-256. More information. [99561f43] §

    • Encrypt/decrypt PDX packages signed by PDXpert, using AES-256 passwords. More information. [4491f597...0d18c6be] §

    • Add command line switch /password or /p to assign starting password and to support automated PDX decryption/extraction of PDX.XML and SQLite database. [g380] §

  • Support PDXpert 15.0 PDX packages that exceed IPC-2570/RFC 1952 section 2.3.1 ISIZE (input limit) of 4GiB. [7bcd74d1] §

  • Add conversion batch command line switch /close or /c to auto-close application after extracting PDX.XML and creating SQLite database in \Working folder. [8f5784c8,g455] §

  • New qualification for Windows 11 Pro 21H2 22000.282. [w11] §

Improvements to existing capabilities §

  • Add new ProductDataeXchangePackage_Id column to all SQLite tables to identify the package within a sequential conversion batch (within 24 hours, with 100ms resolution). The ID is table prefix followed by current UTC deciseconds (000000-863999); e.g., 53409881. [7a20bce7] §

  • Add new Item Master Query list Item with 4 Attachments to demonstrate how to pivot file attachments into a single row. [e015ab40] §

  • Update Item Query list BOM - Multi Level with 4 Sources (Oracle) to use AdditionalAttribute UOM (if available) for row's Unit of Measure, otherwise use Item globalProductUnitOfMeasureCode. [g311] §

  • Update package-level Query list PDXpert PLM List Revision Files to add RevisionFileNote column for Batch Importer tool. [g495,90a34fcf] §

  • Show AdditionalAttributes groupLabel value for non-PDXpert packages. [c01432f1] §

    PDX package group labels

Maintenance changes and fixes  §

  • Fix grid filter box to maintain focus after the first character is entered. [b6628d59,g456] §

  • Fix navigation panel to suppress autoscroll when a partially-visible table is selected. [1048732e] §

  • Replace using the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\PDXplorerDB\AppRelease registry value with upgrade history file as %LocalAppData%\PDXplorerDB\AppRelease-{release}.txt Fixes error on first package when user profile doesn't allow writing to Windows Registry: Could not open PDX file: Possible file locking error or file is missing. [9ed969f, 0f960a6e, g502] §

    Workaround for earlier releases: Add correct Registry key value by script before running PDXplorer for first time [180dc7f].

  • Target .NET Framework 4.7.2. Release notes [139698d]§

  • Update libraries:

    • NLog.4.7.7 updated to NLog.4.7.12 Release notes [7281a792,139698d] §

    • NLog.Config.4.7.7 updated to NLog.Config.4.7.12 [b67d1918,139698d] §

    • NLog.Schema.4.7.7 updated to NLog.Schema.4.7.12 [b67d1918,139698d] §

    • Stub.System.Data.SQLite.Core.NetFramework.1.0.115 added. Release notes [d472dada] §

    • System.Data.SQLite. updated to System.Data.SQLite.1.0.115 [d472dada] §

    • System.Data.SQLite.Core. updated to System.Data.SQLite.Core.1.0.115 [d472dada] §

    • System.Data.SQLite.EF6.1.0.113 updated to System.Data.SQLite.EF6.1.0.115 [d472dada] §

    • System.Data.SQLite.Linq.1.0.113 updated to System.Data.SQLite.Linq.1.0.115 [d472dada] §

Antivirus check§

Installer Scan results
PDXplorerSetup- www.VirusTotal.com
PDXplorerSetup- www.VirusTotal.com 2022-01-03

Maintenance changes and fixes  §

  • Fix error when <?generated_by Vendor/App/Version/Build ?> processing instruction is missing or empty (IPC-2571 section 3). [g532, 171db12b]§

  • Fix PDXpert package Item Master table and related detail panel where a partner document shows Owner is the home organization. [g523, 7eb847c]§

Antivirus check§

Installer Scan results
PDXplorerSetup- www.VirusTotal.com
PDXplorerSetup- www.VirusTotal.com

Apache Log4j Java Security Vulnerability CVE-2021-44228§

Updated 2021-12-22

PDXplorer releases and later do not include Log4j. PDXplorer software and, to the best of our knowledge, all of its third-party libraries use .NET managed code (primarily C#) or C++ / C / assembly, and do not use Java or Log4j. The tested releases were subjected to source code review, antivirus scan, post-installation file scan, and live testing in a clean installation of Windows 10 Pro Version x64 (21H1 19043.1348 2021-11-09).

PDXplorer and later releases use the following third-party libraries; versions may change in later PDXplorer releases:

  • DotNetZip.1.15.0

  • EntityFramework.6.4.4

  • NLog.4.7.12

  • NLog.Config.4.7.12

  • NLog.Schema.4.7.12

  • Stub.System.Data.SQLite.Core.NetFramework.

  • System.Data.SQLite.

  • System.Data.SQLite.Core.

  • System.Data.SQLite.EF6.

  • System.Data.SQLite.Linq.

Although we believe earlier PDXplorer 5.x releases are similar, upgrade to PDXplorer or later release for an examined and tested release.