IPC-2570 (PDX package) Technical Data

The information contained in this section reflects the IPC-2570 Supply Chain Communication (PDX) standards:

  • IPC-2571: Generic Requirements for Electronics Manufacturing Supply Chain Communication - Product Data eXchange (PDX)
  • IPC-2576: Sectional Requirements for Electronics Manufacturing Supply Chain Communication of As-Built Product Data - Product Data eXchange (PDX)
  • IPC-2578: Sectional Requirements for Supply Chain Communication of Bill of Material and Product Design Configuration Data - Product Data eXchange (PDX)

These IPC standards specify an XML encoding that defines a manufactured product with sufficient detail to support supply chain communications.

The standards were published in November 2001 by the Product Data Exchange Task Group (2-15a) of the Supply Chain Communication Subcommittee (2-15) of IPC. They are an approved ANSI national standard.

In February 2005, the IPC published a Proposed Standard for Ballot as IPC-2577, "Sectional Requirements for Supply Chain Communication of Manufacturing Quality Assessment - Product Data eXchange (PDX)". There is no indication that it was ever approved.

PDX file non-conformance

We discuss some implementation details of PDX packages that don't fully conform to IPC-2570:

PDX implementation: challenges & recommendations

The IPC-2570 standards were a significant step forward in facilitating product data exchange between supply chain partners but are not without their flaws. We offer some practical advice for implementing PDX within your supply chain.

PDX element summary

The following topics provide a useful summary of each PDX XML data element, as well as a navigation aid to complement the IPC PDX published standards:

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